A Letter to my 16yr old self…

Life can be weird with things happening unexpectedly, but as long as you embrace it and are true to yourself and others, it starts to make sense.
I lay awake thinking. Thinking about past, thinking about recent changes, and thinking about where I dream to be in the future. This could be the cause of my restless sleep. With all the time I waste “thinking” I should have everything figured out. So why am I still THINKING?! You read books on living in the moment, for that is all we have and how dwelling on the past or stressing about the future serve no purpose. This is such a pleasant thought, and so many times I WISH I were able to control my mind but I still find it hard to filter such thoughts. Recently, there was a passing of someone dear in my life. I am “acknowledging” that I am in a grieving stage (based on grieving 101 with grievance counselor) and “understand” that my way of dealing with it is two weeks of being (what my close friends and I call) a sensitive flower.For those of you who are reading this and don’t quite understand what this term means, I will give you a clear cut definition. Sensitive - a (1) : easily hurt or damaged; : easily hurt emotionally (2) : delicately aware of the attitudes and feelings of others Flower - … well… a flower, feminine I guess. Put them together and you get this: Sensitive Flower – a ball of irrational emotions; if you have a husband, boyfriend, close friend or family, tell them to save themselves before, God forbid, the wind blows the wrong way. Wonderful, now that I acknowledge that is what I am, what next? Well, as with any close loss or any drastic life situation, there will be some changes. Big or small, there will be some kind of changes. Whether it be your routine, your outlook, interactions with people and of course emotions. Change is difficult because well, its new. Change usually becomes an immediate negative for some people. I will do my friends the honor of throwing myself under bus after that statement. Yes, I can and have thought negatively toward change without giving it a real chance. Who wants to change familiarity? Routine is so comfortable! What we fail to realize is that life is much more than a routine. Life is so much deeper than your past and holds much more than you can ever imagine your future to be. Life changes everyday for everyone. Without change, life as we know it to be would still be sticks and rocks. Life will almost always change for the better with a positive and clear mind. Maybe the books are right. Maybe it is not so much controlling the changes in your life, but controlling your mind so you can adapt to changes. Let me hurry up and get my mind on lock down because thinking is not getting me any closer to my much needed rest. The present moment is all we have, so make each moment meaningful and filed with love and remember life can be weird with things happening unexpectedly, but as long as you embrace it and are true to yourself and others, it starts to make sense. Most importantly “be the change you want to see in the world.” -Mahatma Gandhi Peace & Laughter, Christal